Monday, August 28, 2017

A Modern Day Ruth

"And at the end of the day your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling."         Author Unknown

It is the end of summer and the above quote are my feelings exactly.  The most important part is that my eyes are sparkling, my heart is full, and I am excited for this coming school year. This summer was a summer of growth.  In general since January 1, 2017 I feel like I have been growing.  In the beginning of the year I went to the FOCUS conference down in San Antonio, TX, which kicked off the year for a lot of spiritual growth.  After that I completed two courses at Helena College amidst some work on the Bignell Ranch and enjoying a couple of ski days.  Fast forward to summer where I still did not get into a nursing program and sent myself into full panic mode of figuring out a major or a Plan B.  While I panicked and thought everything relied on me I went to the Cathedral of St. Helena to offer a simple prayer.  I asked God to one: not put a man in my life until he and I were both ready to take on this challenge; two: help me with my patience.  Two things that should not be mixed. 

 Upon this prayer I randomly started to pray for the intercession of St. Joseph and to learn about him more.  As the Chaste Spouse he is the greatest example for the world for the "perfect spouse".  I have heard that St. Joseph answers prayers in such a simple but profound way that it is almost unbelievable.  Over the course of the summer there were many opportunities to pray for his intercession in my life which leads to the next part of my life which came to me just a bit ago.  I have struggled this summer with really trusting God with my life, even though He knew me before He formed me in my mother's womb.  (Jeremiah 1:5 I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." If He knew me at this level then I must trust Him with the rest of my life.  Coming back to how Ruth is such an inspiration for me right now.  Ruth had given everything up to move to Naomi's home. (Her mother in law) When she was out working in the fields Boaz came to the fields and praised Ruth's work, asking her to stay with the women of the field to work.  From this story I can only imagine what the world would look like if we all did God's Will the way Ruth did so humbly.  

This leads me to my end thoughts. For my life I am learning to trust God's will with a childlike trust.  Every time I start to worry about my future and my future husband (and how he must be perfect!) I send a little prayer to St. Joseph, knowing he is watching over both of us and every time I worry if I am doing God's will I think of Ruth, and how she was doing God's will by doing the most simple things, leading her to a great blessing. It is hard for me to not worry but worrying about tomorrow only takes away from today's joys. 

Keep Smiling!
Blue Skies Ahead!
~A girl chasing her dreams

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